Timothy Taylor Brewery
Historic image of the original brewery grounds
In 1858, Timothy Taylor established his brewery in the center of Keighley and only 5 years later moved to today’s brewing site in The Knowle Spring where he was able to tap into the best natural resource he could have asked for: the naturally soft and very pure Knowle Spring water.
One fundamental principle stands above all at Timothy Taylor: "Do not accept the second best.” Following these words, only the best possible ingredients are used to brew, which may be a little more complex and more expensive, but at the end of the day well worth it!
Only the highest quality barley, the ‘Golden Promise’ is used, which is grown in Scotland, especially for the Timothy Taylor brewery. This premium (and again.. worth it!) barley together with whole-leaf hops comes together with pure Knowle Spring water and a historic yeast strain to create the award-winning ‘Taylor’s Taste’.
Timothy Taylor Beer:

Pint of Timothy Taylor's Landlord Pale Ale

Brewery in Knowle Springs, West Yorkshire, England